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Highland Storm (Guardians of Scotland Book 2) Page 15

  Conall laid Effie back down. Time was of the essence, he had to shift and make it back to Black Stone in record time. As Conall shifted, the three Dragonkine warriors looked down upon Conall’s fallen mate and their hearts ached for their brother. Just as if it were a wounded Dragonkine, a wounded mate hurt them just as bad.

  Careful not to inflict more pain than she was already in, Conall lifted Effie up in his talons and drew her up into his chest. He hoped that she would make it through the flight home.

  “Conall.” She swallowed hard.

  “Dinnae talk, my sweet. I’m taking ye home to see Abigale,” Conall said through mind speak.

  “Maggie, I can no’ leave Maggie behind,” she replied without saying a word.

  “Caden, find Maggie and bring her to Black Stone,” Conall demanded.

  Caden stood there not sure what to do. He didn’t belong at Black Stone and furthermore he didn’t need a lass in his arms.

  “Caden, Effie said she needs our help. Maggie is in Effie’s bedchamber above the gatehouse. Go. Now!”

  James crossed his arms across his chest. “We’ll wait here for ye. Oh and ye might want to cover yerself. No need in frightening the lass.”

  Rory smirked as he threw a pair of trews at Caden.

  “God speed, my friend,” James said as Conall left the battlements.

  Taking to the sky, Conall left his brethren and headed to Black Stone, pleading to the heavens above that they would make it in time. Losing Effie was not an option. “Stay with me, my love.”


  Hopping on one foot while he slipped on his trews, Caden blasted himself a thousand times a fool for agreeing to bring Maggie to Black Stone. Then again he didn’t quite remember agreeing to such a task. Nay, what he should have done was kept to the sky and flown his arse far away from here and the Dragonkine warriors. Yet his wings found themselves following Conall.

  He didn’t understand why he felt the pull to help his kind. Perhaps blood ran deep and overran logic, or mayhap it was honor that drove him to stay with his kind. Nay, he had lost his honor decades ago. Whatever it may be, he was already enroute to find the lass and there was no going back.

  Dodging and weaving through the crowds of people, Caden had no idea where to find the lass. If his instincts held true and his memory hadn’t failed him, she should be above the gatehouse in a chamber. That was where the lord and lady retired for the night along with their family.

  As he ran across the battlements he met a group of men who were either drunk or feeling a wee bit too brave. They advanced on Caden, snarling and seething with their swords jabbing at him, telling him that he should not pass. Caden took a step back. He rolled his eyes in irritation and pure disgust. Did these men really think they were going to kill him?

  Looking down from the battlements, he noticed that the lower balcony was less occupied. Caden took a few more steps back giving him more distance between himself and the fools in front of him. In a flash Caden hopped up on the battlement wall and jumped off, landing with a thud on the lower balcony. As the men peered down wondering where their enemy had gone, the blond warrior looked up and shot them a kind finger, expressing how much he had enjoyed their time together.

  With God speed, Caden took off down the long open corridor until he reached a window. Needing to get away from the chaos surrounding him, he thought it to be a good idea to hide. Quickly he slipped in through the window, barely fitting, and falling to the ground.

  Regaining his feet, he dusted his trews and finally was able to take a breath, when a water pitcher flew across the room and bashed him in the head.

  “What the hell!” Caden yelled and felt the urge to rip the fool’s head off for hitting him.

  “Get oot or I swear I’ll scream!” A soft voice trailed off.

  He turned and scowled at his assailant. The air seized in his lungs and he forgot about wanting to harm anyone. The lass lay in bed with a candlestick in her hands as if she was warning him not to take another step closer.

  “Ye be Maggie?”

  “Why do ye want to know?” God’s teeth, the softness of her voice washed over him like a cool morning breeze.

  “Effie sent me. I’m here to bring ye to Black Stone.” Somehow his feet were moving of their own even though he demanded them to stay grounded. He reached the lass’s bedside; all the while she captivated him, pulling him in as if she had bewitched him.

  “I will no’ go.” The lass crossed her arms over her chest and winced as if she was in pain.

  “I’m sorry but ye have no choice, nor do we have time to argue aboot it.”

  Caden was bending over to scoop Maggie up when a bony knee connected with his sacred parts.

  “Christ, woman!” Caden backed away. Bent over, he held his ballocks.

  “I warned ye to stay away.”

  Caden quickly did the one, two count and aye, everything was in place. For a moment he rested his hands on his knees until the throbbing ceased and the bile settled in his gut.

  Looking up at the lass, he smiled. Maggie was a fighter and feisty to boot. He liked that, but alas, this only made the task more difficult than it should be. Why had he got himself involved? He should have flown off as soon as the opportunity allowed. Too late now.

  Slowly with his hands up in retreat he began to approach the lass again. “I’m no’ here to hurt ye. I promise.”

  “How do I know I can trust ye? I dinnae even know ye,” Maggie said.

  “Here.” He extended his hand. “We’ll start over. Hi, my lady, me name is Caden.” Sincerely he stood, holding his hand out to Maggie.

  Hesitantly, she held her hand out. “Maggie.”

  Caden smiled and took her shaking hand in his. “I’m sorry to have to do this but ye leave me no choice.” Before Maggie could pull away, Caden unleashed his sleep magic and the lass went limp and fell back into the bed before she had a chance to protest.

  Holding her body close to his as he picked her up, Caden was in more trouble than he could have ever known. This raven-haired lass was exquisite.

  Chapter 18

  Conall busted through the door of Black Stone as if he was breaking into the enemy’s stronghold. Holding Effie in his arms, he called out for help. The flight had been short, yet every second felt like an eternity. Her breathing was shallow and heavy and the blood poured from her tiny frame, covering his hands, arms, and chest. There was so much blood.

  Alice stepped out from the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron. To her surprise Conall was back home, yet things looked as if they had taken a wrong turn. She raced over to him to greet him, but halted as James, Rory, Caden and Maggie followed behind him.

  “Abigale!” James called out. “Where are ye, lass?”

  Rushing as fast as her feet could carry her, Abigale reached the top of the staircase. She had already seen the dragons fly in from the window of her bedchamber and was beyond happy to see her husband arrive safely home.

  She stopped short as horror consumed her when she saw Conall holding Effie’s bloodied body and another man holding a woman in his arms. Not to mention there were four naked Highlanders in her great hall.

  Conall raced to the end of the staircase before Abigale could make her way to him. “James, what happened?” she said. Her brows furrowed as she began to examine the dagger protruding from Effie’s back. “Oh dear merciful heavens!”

  Wrapping his plaid around his waist, James met Abigale at the stairs. “Love, I’ll explain everything as soon as I can, but right now Effie needs ye.”

  “Please, Abigale, ye must save her,” Conall pleaded and choked back the tears that began to form. He tamped down the gut-gnawing reality that he was too late to save his Effie. “Please.”

  “Of course, Conall. Ye know I’ll do everything in me power to save her.” Abigale placed her hand on Conall’s arm and squeezed, reassuring him.

  “Alice!” Abigale called out and before she could relay her command for hot water, cloths, and her herb satch
el, Alice had bustled off to fetch the items.

  “Conall, take Effie to her bedchamber, I’ll be right behind ye.”

  Quickly Abigale moved out of the way, for Conall was going to knock down anything or anyone who got in his way. He held his world in his arms and he was going to make damn sure they would have eternity together, and no one, not even God was going to take that away from him. Not again.

  “And the woman?” Abigale pointed to the blond naked Highlander carrying a young lass in his arms.

  “I put her under sleep magic, but she seems to be in pain,” Caden said.

  “Rory, help find her a bedchamber and I will be there as soon as I can,” Abigale called over her shoulder as she climbed the stairs and made her way to Effie’s chamber. James followed close behind her, making sure that in her very pregnant state that she didn’t take a tumble down the stairs.

  “Aye,” Rory confirmed and led Caden down a long corridor past the kitchen.

  “Ye never cease to amaze me, my beautiful angel,” James called out to his wife.


  “How ye stay so calm and know exactly what to do.”

  She turned and faced her husband as she reached the top of the staircase. James was two steps behind her, leaving him at the exact same height as Abigale. “’Tis just like ye’re on the battlefield. Ye know exactly what plan of attack to make in order to secure victory.”

  James looked down at her swollen belly. “Yet, ye save lives while I take them away.”

  Abigale cupped his face and held his swirling amber eyes. “James Douglas, ye’re the most amazing man I’ve ever known and ye’ll make a fine da. I love ye.” She kissed his lips quickly. “Now, Effie needs me. I must hurry.” Abigale turned on her heels and quickened her step to Effie’s chamber.

  The door to the bedchamber was wide open and Conall had laid Effie on the bed on her stomach. Abigale approached Effie. She was unconscious and her breathing was shallow, and blood stained the back of her dress. “I need her dress off.”

  With one flick, Conall extended a talon and carefully sliced the fabric away. God’s wounds! He would have traded places with the lass if he could. The dagger was deep and close to her spine. Being a warrior on the battlefield, he’d seen wounds like this before more than a few times in his long existence and the outcome had always been grim.

  As Abigale took over, he watched the chamber spin slowly out of focus, words blended into whispered mutters, and sweat exuded from his pores. Conall raked a hand through his mess of brown hair, blinking his eyes, straining to focus. His dragon paced and howled inside him, mourning their mate.

  He swayed and lost his balance as his legs buckled. He was going down.

  “James!” Abigale called out as she saw Conall staggering. “Conall’s passing oot!”

  With urgency, James crossed the room and grabbed his friend from behind before he hit the ground. “Och, my friend, let’s wait outside. Effie’s in good hands. And we need to fetch ye some clothes.”

  “Nay,” Conall muttered. “I can no’ leave her.” He pushed his chief’s hands away and swayed.

  “Conall, as yer chief and friend I order ye to leave this room. Ye can come back once Abigale is done. Ye’re no’ helping Effie by sticking around here and fainting. Now, let’s go.”

  Damn James for being right. Resisting leaving only put Effie in more danger, that he knew, yet he couldn’t convince his body to move. Being weak himself he needed rest, ale, food, and to walk off this fog misting his head. She was in the best of hands, that he could bet his life on.

  “Aye, but I’ll be right outside the door.”

  At that moment, Alice strode in with her arms full of cloths and Abigale’s herbs while Rory carried the hot water bowl. Alice placed the cloths on a table next to Abigale and waited for instructions. Rory stood on the other side of Abigale, also waiting while James took Conall outside the chamber.

  Before Conall left, he took one last glance at Effie. Grief-stricken, failure loomed over him as he watched the helpless lass lying on the bed. He had failed again to protect the ones he loved. If she made it through, he would fly them away from all the fighting and unsettledness of Scotland. They would just disappear and forever be together as long as she would have him. He would have that secluded home in the countryside, farming and raising wee bairns. Never would he leave her sight again, not for one moment. Effie was his heart, his mate, his twin soul destined to be forever one. Nay, death was not coming for her, he would no’ allow it.

  As soon as Conall stepped outside, he slapped his hands down hard on the stone railing and hung his head down, taking in deep breaths. James clapped a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. Words escaped him, but with James his actions spoke louder and Conall knew that his friend, his brother, felt his pain.

  After a long stretch of silence filling the corridor, Conall spoke up. “’Tis no fair.” He broke down. “I cannae lose her.”

  James stood uncomfortably next to him, scanning the great hall below them as if he searched for words of wisdom to give his friend. “Aye, I won’t say I know how ye feel because we all feel differently when it comes to our mates, yet one fact remains true. Ye’d give yer own life to save her, that I understand.” James paused. “But Abigale is with her and she too is fighting for Effie.”

  James turned around so his back leaned against the railing and he crossed his arms over his chest as he looked over at his friend. “Ye have to be strong, she needs yer strength.”

  Conall peered up from the ground. For a man whose words didn’t come easy, James couldn’t have been more correct. Aye, pulling himself together was exactly what he intended to do. Nonchalantly, he wiped the tears from his cheek and squared his shoulders then cleared his throat. “Ye’re right. Effie is a fighter.”

  James nodded and smiled at Conall.


  Caden couldn’t quite understand why he still lingered here, in the dimly lit bedchamber, hovering over the sleeping lass. The warrior with war braids had left the room long ago, yet Caden remained, battling with himself to leave. Oh, there were many reasons why he should let the lass go while he still had a chance, yet they weren’t good enough no matter how many times he ran the reasoning’s through his muddled mind.

  He remembered the way Maggie’s body felt snug against his as he carried her through the throng of people at Caerlaverock Castle and then into the sky. She had felt like a fine exotic silk caressing his skin. And the way her long black lashes rested on her pink cheeks while she slept was angelic. His eyes traced down her face to a perfect pert nose to full rosy lips. He thought better and turned his eyes away from her before he did something stupid, such as placing a kiss on those lips.

  He had to admire the struggle she had given him as his eyes wandered up and down down the sleeping lass’s petite body. Her hair was black as a raven and her eyes were blue but not just any color blue, they were the color of the ocean with the slightest sparkle like stars against a black night sky. He continued to study her body further but gave pause when he reached her chest. The shift she was wearing was bloodstained with trails over her breasts, which sparked his curiosity as to what lay under the thin material.

  Curiosity getting the best of him, he bent down and slid a finger under the top of her nightdress, slipping the material down and exposing the top of her right breast. Blistered flesh marred her flawless skin.

  God’s blood! What kind of trouble had the lass gotten herself into to receive such harsh punishment?

  Fighting the urge to peek further, he pulled the blanket over her body and stepped away from the bed. He thought better than to involve himself with her mischief. The lass was the Black Douglas’s problem now; not his. Furthermore, he wasn’t staying long.

  Why he’d carried on with the task this far was beyond his logical thinking. First mistake, having a beautiful lass in his arms. Second mistake, flying to Black Stone with the Dragonkine warriors. They would have a lot of questions for him, questions he did no
t want to answer, nor relive his past.

  Yet here he stood like some lust-stricken fool, protecting his mate. Mate? Caden stopped cold in his tracks. No way in hell was he sticking around. The lass was not his problem, and furthermore he was a free man now. Being pent up in the dungeon for at least five years was enough to drive him daft and daft was exactly what he would be if he stayed here any longer.

  In two long strides he reached the door and opened it wide only to be greeted by a six-foot-four, long red-haired Highlander sitting outside the door sharpening his axe blade. “Going somewhere, laddie?”

  Caden huffed in frustration and knew better than to piss off a Dragonkine warrior with a battle axe in his hand.

  Chapter 19

  Conall’s attention turned to Abigale as he heard the bedchamber door shut behind him. His heart smacked against his ribcage and his pulse thumped to a panicked rhythmic beat when he saw the blood-covered apron wrapped around Abigale’s body and the sorrowful eyes that stared back at him. Was he prepared for the cold hard reality of Effie’s condition and furthermore, living the rest of his life without the red-headed lass? Nay, he would never accept that reality.

  “Conall, I’ve done all I can do. I’ve removed the weapon and cauterized the wound, but,” Abigale said.

  Before she could finish, Conall interrupted, fearful of what she was going to say. “Can I go see her?”

  “Not yet. She’s still unconscious. Conall, the blade was close to her spine, leaving me to believe she could very well never walk again. I saw this happen to a wounded man with the same injuries as Effie. I’m no’ going to give ye false hope; Effie’s condition is serious.”

  “I can heal her.” Conall stepped by Abigale and began to open the door.

  “Conall, she’s with child.”

  As if the knob to the door was hot iron, he quickly let go and paused.

  “Alice believes she’s about three months into the pregnancy.”

  Three months? he pondered. Closing his eyes in relief he ran that thought through his head again. Effie was pregnant with their child. For the briefest moment joy warmed his heart as he thought about that cottage in the countryside, Effie standing in front of the door holding their newborn babe, the wind blowing through her hair, she was happy. But as the wind blew the image he dreamed of living, it disintegrated into the air like gray ash.