Highland Burn (Guardians of Scotland Book 1) Page 17
The Earth had shifted now, he could feel it. He would right the wrong and soon, verra soon, his kingdom would rise again.
Showing the Dragonkine no signs of weakness, even though he felt every last drop of energy slowly fading, Marcus climbed up on his horse and clucked him into a run as he fled the site.
The path he chose to take took him high into the cold snow-covered mountains deep in the Highlands. No one would venture up there, nor would the bite of the frigid weather chill his bones, for ice now replaced his warm blood.
Strength was fading fast and he began to feel faint. He released his hands from his chest. To his surprise, his hand was covered in blood. Blood? he thought. When James had taken his dragon heart there was no blood that he’d noticed, but as he looked down into the white snow, a trail of crimson was left behind.
His body went limp, causing him to fall off his mount and into a cushion of powdery snow. As he lay there looking up into the sky, flurries covered his face. Blood has been shed, now hasn’t it? Marcus grinned in triumph as his world slowly filled with darkness. Perhaps enough blood had been shed after all.
Danger and delight grow on one stalk. ~ Scottish Proverb
“Let me go, Conall. I must see him.” Abigale squirmed in Conall’s arms.
“Nay, my lady. James does no’ want ye to see him like this.”
“I can no’ stay hidden while Marcus and those creatures kill James. Dragon or not, I must stop him. He will listen to me.”
“I’m afraid I can no’ let ye.” Conall struggled to gain control of her. “Settle down or I’ll have to tie ye to a tree.”
Finally, Abigale came to her senses, for she was no match for the six-foot-five, hulking warrior.
Conall released her. “See, much better. Promise ye’ll stay put?”
“Aye.” Abigale paced a short distance, thinking of a way to get past Conall. They were only yards away from James. She could escape and get to him before Conall caught her.
“I’ll be right back.” Conall walked behind a thicket.
When it dawned on her what he was doing, she saw the perfect opportunity to run while Conall hid behind the shrubs to relieve himself. Well…aye, she did promise to stay put, but James needed her. Surely Conall would find it in his heart to forgive a little trickery. She uncrossed her fingers and took off toward the camp.
Abigale looked back and saw Conall returning.
“Bloody hell!” She heard the anger in his voice and picked up the pace.
As Abigale arrived at the camp, Conall caught up to her and grabbed her arm, stopping her from going to James. The commotion attracted the black dragon’s attention. A deep throaty growl came from the beast and Conall released her. Relief that James was alive overshadowed her fear, and she slowly approached the dragon.
As Abigale got closer, she fought back the urge to run. Never had she seen a dragon before and, quite frankly, it scared her to death. Raw power radiated off him and the mere size of the beast would cause anyone’s heart to stop. Now she understood why James wanted to shelter her from this side of him. Still, inside that dragon lived the man she loved.
Hot air puffed out of the dragon’s nostrils as if to calm his nerves. With his head lowered, he gently moved toward her.
When the dragon was close enough for her to reach him, Abigale placed her shaking hand on its soft velvety nose. Funny, she thought it would be rough. Gaining more confidence, she trailed her hand over his jawline and was amazed by how gentle this beast was.
The dragon nudged his head gently up against Abigale’s chest, craving more of her touch. She swore she heard him purr when she ran her fingers down his neck. He wrapped his tail around Abigale’s waist and pulled her closer. She smiled. This dragon was harmless, after all, it was James that watched her when she looked into his swirling, amber eyes.
A clap of thunder shook the earth, breaking their embrace. Misty rain fell from the heavens and lightning flickered in the distance. James folded one of his black wings over Abigale’s head, shielding her from the storm. Startled, more from the loud thunder than the dragon, she moved closer, tucking herself beside his neck.
The wind blew and a cold mist caused her to shiver. Knowing they would have to find shelter soon, she looked up at James to tell him just that, when she noticed blood trickling down his neck from what looked like a deep gash. “Ye’re hurt."
Naturally, the surgeon in her took over and she began to examine the severity of the cut. She ran her fingers around the wound then, as though she thought herself daft, she heard James’s voice vibrating through her head. “I’m alright, my bel ange.” A shudder rippled through her. She could hear him, yet his lips didn’t move. It was as though he was inside of her, talking. Puzzled, she took a step back and said, “I can hear ye in my thoughts.”
“Aye, through mind speak,” James said.
“Mind speak?” Now Abigale knew she must have bumped her head.
“Aye, it’s through our bond that ye can hear me.”
“Magic,” she whispered with amazement. “Aye, some kind of magic.”
James began to growl when Magnus approached them. Even though he treaded softly, dragons were extremely possessive of their mates and would not hesitate to kill another if they appeared to be a threat. “James, no need to fash yerself, but we need to get the lady out of the rain before she catches her death.” With ease, James lowered his head and gave Abigale a nudge toward Magnus. “He’s right. Go with Magnus and I’ll be right behind ye."
“My lady, Rory has found us shelter. Come now, we must go. James will follow shortly.” Magnus urged.
Abigale took one last look at her dragon and then followed Magnus.
Magnus and Rory stood guard near the entrance of the cave, giving Abigale privacy to shed her wet clothes. She wrapped herself up in a plaid and was now spreading her wet garments over a boulder near the fire Conall had built for her. As he tended to the fire, he didn’t look happy with her, for she had lied to him. “Forgive me Conall, I—”
“Aye, I would have done much worse if my love was in danger. So no need for forgiveness, my lady. James on the other hand, may have an issue with it. He didnae want ye to see his dragon.” Conall placed a piece of wood on the flames. "Here, sit down and warm yerself. James will be here soon.”
“Thank ye, Conall. I can see why James trusts ye. Ye’re a good man.” Abigale smiled and took a seat next to the fire.
Conall nodded and joined his fellow Dragonkine.
As the fire warmed her cold body, she felt guilty that Magnus, Rory, and Conall were still wet and cold. “There’s plenty of room next to the fire if ye care to join me.” Abigale called out.
“Nay my lady. James would rip our eyes out of their sockets if he caught us even looking at ye with no clothes on,” Rory replied over his shoulder.
“Don’t be silly. I’m wrapped up.”
“Nay lass, trust me. We’re just fine,” Magnus said.
It seemed like a fortnight had passed as she waited for James. She missed him and was concerned about why it was taking him so long to get to the cave. Had those creatures returned after they left? God, she prayed not. Maybe he wasn’t coming back at all. Nay, he’ll be here soon, she kept telling herself while she raked her fingers through her hair. Before long, she vowed if he didn’t show up soon, she would go out looking for him herself.
At that time a very naked and wet James strode into the cave, his eyes intently searching for Abigale. He saw her drying her hair by the fire, wrapped up in a plaid. His heart seized as the flames from the fire flickered across her bare shoulder, making her the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. His cock hardened, because he knew she was naked as a new-born under that plaid. When their eyes met she smiled, and that was his undoing.
James strode over to her with one purpose, to claim his woman there and now. He’d been warned long ago, that when mated Dragonkine shifted back to human form, an animalistic urge to claim their woman would consume the
ir every thought. That was exactly what he was experiencing.
Abigale rose to her feet, but before she could say a word, James fisted the plaid and pulled her close, claiming her lips. He frantically touched every inch of her body. He broke their kiss long enough to explain. “Sorry love, I need to be inside ye right now.”
With a sly grin, Abigale took a step back and dropped the plaid, leaving nothing between them but skin. Pressing their bodies together, he plunged his hands into her damp hair and captured her neck mercilessly with searing kisses and nibbles. Abigale leaned her head back, inviting him in.
James picked her up so that she straddled him. As soon as his cock brushed against her sex, he growled and pushed her up against the cold cave wall. By the saints, he could barely contain himself. The urge grew stronger, pumping through his veins. Abigale’s sweet moans wrecked his self-control—the little he had left—and with one hard thrust, James entered her.
Abigale’s body tensed as she inhaled.
“Did I hurt ye? I’m sorry, love but I can’t control it,” he panted.
Abigale shook her head. “Dinnae stop.”
James buried his face in her hair, rocked his hips forward, and took her fast. She matched every thrust, and he could feel her walls tightening around his shaft. The sweet sting of her nails dug into his back and set him ablaze. “Och, lass, what ye do to me.” James pumped harder, taking them both over the edge.
Sweat slid from their bodies as they stayed propped against the wall of the cave. James’s legs threatened to give out, but there was no way he was letting her go…not yet. Hell, if it was up to him, they would stay like that forever. Nothing came close to the feeling of being deep inside her. He thought this was what Heaven must feel like. He was ready to take her again just thinking about it.
Abigale shivered.
“Ye’re cold. Let’s move closer to the fire.”
She cupped his face and smiled. “Nay, I’m not cold.” Looking down between them she could see how much he wanted her. She arched a brow and looked back at him. "So soon?”
James smirked. “Well, there are some advantages to being a dragon.”
James moved them next to the fire and laid her down on a plaid. He positioned himself between her legs and covered her body with his. “I can go as long as ye need me to.” He brushed his fingers through her auburn hair. He gazed from her hair to her deep blue eyes and knew questions were brewing in that pretty head of hers.
“What happened to Marcus?”
He knew she would want to know. “Abigale, let it be.” Dread filled him when he thought of what he’d done. Destroying a dragon was not to be taken lightly. James and the other Dragonkine would feel the loss of Marcus for some time to come.
“It’s just…oh James, that man killed Marcus’s sister."
“She’s dead? Ye know this?”
“Marcus told me. James, he was blackmailed. It seems to me that the man at the camp, the one who was in charge, had promised Marcus he would bring his sister back to him if Marcus lured ye to him. That’s why Marcus did what he did. He was trying to save his sister."
“The poor lass. I didnae know his sister well. But Marcus should have let me know about his situation. I could have helped, but he chose to betray me instead. He didnae need to keep secrets.”
“That’s just it, my love, he blames ye for all his misfortune.”
James rolled off Abigale. “Me?”
“Aye, that man wanted his revenge on ye for the brutal way ye killed his men.” Abigale shrugged. “Well, that's what Marcus believes.”
“Since he was in such a truthful mood, did he tell ye he too is…” James corrected himself, “was a dragon?”
Her eyes widened, “A dragon?”
Silence fell between them as James considered how much to tell her when he didn’t have all the answers himself. Once back at the castle, he’d figure things out, but now too many questions lay unanswered.
“So, what happened to him?”
If he had known beforehand that his sister was dead, most certainly he would have shown mercy. "Abigale, it’s best no’ to know all the details. I didnae kill him, but he has been exiled from Scotland.”
Abigale closed her eyes and sighed in relief.
“Our world is complicated. I do no’ have all the answers ye seek. But I can tell ye this, Abigale Bruce. I love ye and I will be the husband ye deserve. I will give ye all the wee bairns yer heart desires. I will give ye the family ye have always wanted. Will ye stay with me, lass?”
Abigale opened her eyes in surprise.
“Och lass, ye dinnae have to look like a deer about to meet an arrow.”
A giggle escaped her and a tear threatened to fall. “I love ye, too, James Douglas…even the Black Douglas.” No longer holding back her excitement, she threw herself on top of him and kissed him deeply.
Everything James could ever want in his life was right there in his arms. He silently vowed that he would spend every moment showing his bel ange from the loch just how much he loved her.
After Abigale fell asleep, James donned his trews and to the entrance of the cave. The rain had finally stopped. Rory and Conall were propped up against the cave wall, sleeping as Magnus stood watch.
The whole situation with Marcus kept replaying in James’s mind. Magnus’s words had made no sense to him. Not spilling blood and Scotland being destroyed continued to be a puzzle to him and the only way to solve it was to speak with Magnus.
Magnus was sitting down leaning up against the cave’s outside walls with his long legs stretched out in front of him. “I thought ye might come looking for me, lad,” Magnus said as James approached.
James crossed his arms over his chest. “Did ye know?”
Magnus stared off into the distance. “Nay. I can no explain that one, my friend. ‘Tis no’ an easy task to cloak one’s dragon, especially in the company of other dragons.”
Thank the Gods Magnus hadn’t known. One man’s betrayal had been enough to swallow. He couldn’t bear to believe Magnus would betray him as well. "I think I might have overreacted. I should no’ have taken his dragon. He told Abigale that his sister is dead and he blames me for it. In fact, he blames me for all his misfortunes. That’s why he took my wife from me. He knew I would come for her, and then he could hand me over to Rickert."
Magnus was stunned. “I can no trust my ears lad. The Black Douglas has a conscience?”
Aggravated, James shifted his weight on his heels and shot Magnus a scowl.
Magnus smiled. “Every old bone in my body tells me that Marcus had the plan all along. Aye, Rickert was blackmailing him, but Marcus knew where the holy ground was. Why else would he have tried to kill ye here? The lad is up to something wicked.”
“Holy ground?”
“Ye felt it, the magic?” Magnus asked.
“Aye, both me and Conall.”
“I wish I had recognized this place sooner. I had hoped to have never come back here.”
“What do ye mean?”
“This is our kingdom.” Magnus tapped his hand on the ground beside him. “This is where it all began and ended for Dragonkine. Our king waits to be woken."
James couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Underneath them was their long-lost kingdom. A kingdom he had only heard of, yet he knew he followed a long line of warrior ancestors.
Magnus continued. “Dragon blood can no’ be spilled on holy ground; it will awaken the seven and our king. And if our king rises…” Magnus shook his head, “his vengeance will rain down upon every human. I can feel it, James. If ye love yer wife, we must no’ let this happen.”
Now what Marcus had done was all making sense to him. James began to pace. “So killing me here, tonight, would have awakened our king. But why? Why would he want the king to return?”
“I wish I knew.” Magnus grew dark like a cloud ready to storm.
“When Conall and I were in Rickert’s camp we
felt and smelled the death dragons—”
“Death dragons?” With alarm, Magnus jumped to his feet. “’Tis no’ good, no’ good at all. Are ye sure, lad?”
“Aye, there’s no mistaking that stench nor the destruction they left behind. At least one hundred men slaughtered and Rickert’s head on a spike."
Magnus whistled for his horse. “I must leave.”
“Magnus, what’s going on?” Something had to be terribly wrong for Magnus to leave suddenly. This left James unnerved.
“I must talk with the elders immediately. If the death dragons didnae kill Marcus, we might well have a bigger problem on our hands then we think.”
Magnus mounted his restless horse. “In the meantime, I think ye’ve done enough damage to Marcus that he won’t be a threat for a while. But hear my words, lad, don’t take yer eyes far from him. Keep yer lass safe until I return.” With nothing more said, Magnus took off.
James was left dumbfounded. Aye, some questions he sought were clear, but now a new puzzle piece had been found.
Abigale was cleaning up after seeing her last patient of the day. Her little, stone dwelling with a thatched roof was easily accessible, located in the clan’s village. Nicely placed along the east side, the bright morning sun gave it a welcoming feeling. At first, James wasn’t keen on the idea of his wife and the lady of the castle working, and furthermore, being away from the protection of Black Stone.
“Idle hands are the Devil’s tools,” she’d told him.
“Och, lass, yer hands dinnae need to stay idle.” He’d wriggled his brows. “Ye can do the Devil’s work on my body any time ye want.”
She remembered that sly grin and smiled as she tucked the corner of the sheet under the mattress.
But the point was made, even though he tried to distract her; clan Douglas needed a good surgeon, and she was the best.