Highland Storm (Guardians of Scotland Book 2) Read online

Page 17

  Instantly, Effie placed her hand on her stomach and her lips spread across her face into the biggest grin she had ever smiled. “My babe.”

  She shot up into a sitting position. “I must tell Conall.” As if she had forgotten about her useless legs, she heaved them over to the side of the bed and touched her toes to the stone floor. The coldness of the ground sent a welcoming shiver over her skin. Aye, she thought, ’tis a good sign.


  After the morning meal was prepared to its finest and gobbled up like a feast on a holy day celebration, James called the Dragonkine warriors to a meeting. Kine business had been set aside until Effie’s condition was stable and for that Conall was grateful. Effie and the babe were the only things running through his mind.

  James met Conall as they both walked up the stairs to the solar where their Dragonkine brothers waited to start the meeting.

  “So, Conall.” James clasped a hand on his best friend’s shoulder. “I heard a crash coming from Effie’s chamber this morn as me and Abigale were walking to break our fast. Does Effie fare well?” He sounded as if he was deeply concerned, but there was a slight hint of jest in James’s words as he sniggered.

  Conall blew out a breath and rolled his eyes. “Aye, if you call being able to throw a candlestick well then she fares well. She does no’ like me opinion on our wedding plans.”

  “I see. Perhaps ye need to give the lass some more time to heal before talking aboot a wedding.”

  “Aye, I just want her to know that I love her and no matter what the outcome is, I will be there for her.”

  James stopped right outside the solar doors and turned to his friend. “Me brother, have no doubts. The lass loves ye. And the two of ye are home and safe.”

  And that he was, he was home with his red-haired lass and his brothers.

  Conall grew serious. His friend had laid their secrecy on the line to rescue him. That in itself was a difficult decision to make. But that was what Dragonkine warriors did. Risking their own life to save their brothers; loyalty ran more than scale deep, it was embedded in their souls.

  “James, thank ye for coming to me aid. I know it was no easy decision to make, putting the Kine at risk.”

  James turned to Conall. “Ye’d do the same for me.” He bumped his shoulder into Conall’s shoulder.

  As they walked in the room, Magnus, Rory, and Caden greeted them. James took his seat behind the big wooden desk in the center of the room while Conall took his usual spot next to the hearth.

  As the meeting started, Conall explained what had happened back at Caerlaverock castle and how Tavish had ambushed him and his men, killing all of their men and imprisoning him for a crime he did not commit. Also he informed James about how Tavish had blamed the English attack on the north tower on clan Douglas.

  “I didnae realize how close we were to a clan war.” James rubbed his chin, taking in all the newfound information.

  “Aye.” Conall shook his head at the thought. “I need to inform Broc’s family about what happened.”

  Sadness ached his heart as he knew that Broc’s family would be devastated to learn the misfortune of their son’s death. Broc was a good lad, the finest.

  “No need. Broc is here and recovering, thanks to me wife. He was the one who informed us ye were in trouble.”

  Relief washed over him. The laddie was alive. He made a mental note; first thing after he checked on Effie, he was going to pay Broc a visit.

  As Conall continued relaying what went down in Dumfries, there was one thing that he couldn’t understand and that was the magic in the dungeon. No human could have possibly known about this dark magic that killed dragons.

  “James, there’s one thing I do no’ quite understand. When I was being held down in the dungeon, there was this dark magic that laced the iron bars. It entrapped me dragon. I was unable to heal and I could no’ shift.”

  A symphony of shite blurted from the Kine’s mouths.

  “Like that same dark magic that almost killed me?” James said.

  “Aye, it must be.”

  “Och, laddies, it seems Marcus must be up to no good,” Magnus said.

  James fell grim as he looked around the room. “Nay, I dinnae think it was Marcus this time. When I went back to bury Tavish, his body was gone.”

  “Aye,” Rory interrupted. “But someone else could have buried the bastart.”

  “Nay, it’s the blood trail I saw leaving the tower that concerns me and might answer our question about the magic. The trail began with shuffled human footprints, then morphed into a webbed print. But what concerns me more is that it looked as if a tail was dragged through the blood.” James tightened his jaw as he said the last few words.

  “It can no’ be.” Conall stood and paced in front of the hearth. “I broke the bastart’s neck with me own bare hands.”

  “I believe James. Tavish is more than what we think he is and now he’s on the loose,” Magnus said.

  “Caden, ye were in that dungeon longer than me, what say ye?” Conall questioned.

  Caden stood with his arms crossed over his chest as if he was shielding himself from the other men. He was closed off, wrapped up and sealed tight. He turned from looking outside the window. “Ye are right. It’s dark black magic that ye felt in the cell. How it got there I do no’ know.”

  “And how did ye end up imprisoned at Caerlaverock?” James inquired. He did not trust the lad, but allowed him to stay at Black Stone as long as Magnus had him under a watchful eye. Being Dragonkine, James needed Caden for his next plan. To battle the ancients.

  The blonde-haired lad turned his attention back to the window and pulled his cloak up around his shoulders. He seemed to care naught about the situation. The only reason he stayed here at Black Stone was because he’d been ordered to, and if he was honest with himself, he had nowhere else to go. As uncomfortable as it was he would stay and play nice for as long as he could stand it, but his patience was already tried. He’d be planning his departure soon.

  Rory advanced on Caden, throwing him up against the wall. “I do believe ye were asked a question,” he spat.

  Caden glared back at him and flashed his vibrant green eyes.

  Conall stepped between the two dragons, breaking up the tension. “Stand down, Rory. Caden is one of us. He can be trusted.”

  Rory eased his grip on Caden but got in one last word before he sat back down. “I’ll be watching ye.”

  Adjusting his cloak, Caden stood there feeling like he had been backed into a corner. He wasn’t about to tell them his life story. It was no concern of theirs.

  “Conall?” James raised a brow in question.

  “He didnae tell me much, just that he was imprisoned for who he was.” Conall looked over at Caden and nodded.

  “So Tavish knew ye were Dragonkine?” James asked Caden, who shrugged his shoulders for an answer.

  “Laddie, it would fare ye well no’ to piss off the Black Douglas if ye like yer pretty head of golden locks,” Magnus warned.

  Again Caden shrugged, making it perfectly clear he cared not.

  As the meeting carried on, James informed Conall about the information Magnus had found out when he met with the elders. They were going to need to build an army against Marcus and the ancients. But the problem was they needed more Kine. There was one known Dragonkine warrior left and no one could locate him, not even Rory. There was no time. Marcus would eventually attack, but where and when was still left a mystery.

  There was chatter about keeping their eyes to the west where the holy ground lay. On the outskirts, there were four clans close by surrounding the holy ground. Knowing Marcus wasn’t done with his mission, they knew his next step was going to be to build an army. One of the four clans was small and secluded. They kept to themselves and refused Douglas protection.

  As Magnus, Conall and James reviewed a map of the holy ground, they tried to assess where Marcus might attack first.

  “If I were planning to attack,�
� James offered, “I would head north.” He pointed at the map. “Take out the smallest clan first.”

  “Aye,” Magnus concurred.

  “We need to send word aboot a possible attack. Warn their people and offer our protection,” James said.

  Rory stepped beside James and Conall. “And how do ye suppose we do that? Tell them about the dragon ancients coming for them? Ye saw how well Dumfries took to our dragons. I’m surprised we dinnae have brave dragon slayers burning down our door to kill the evil devils.” Rory was being a wee bit sarcastic, yet his jest held truth.

  “Och, we’re dragons, Guardians of Scotland, regardless of what the people think. If we do no’ stop this awakening, we’re all dead. I love me wife too much to lose her. I will do whatever it takes to protect her.” James’s words never rang truer.

  Being the master strategist in guerilla warfare that he was, James advanced his plan of attack as he examined the map on his desk. Fondling a dragon head chess piece, rolling it between his fingers, he was in deep thought as he studied the map. “Four clans surround the holy ground here.” He placed a dragon head figurine down on the auld kingdom of Govan. “Lanarkshire to the south, which is me brother, Archie’s land.” He placed another small dragon head down on the said place. “We’ll have that secured in no time. To the east lies Helmfirth.” Another dragon head marked the spot.

  “To the west Renfrewshire.” He placed another dragon head on the map. “To the north, Ravenloch, there’s a small and secluded clan there. This will be a challenge. They do no’ trust easily.” He paused. “If we place a Kine in each one of these sites, we can secure the borders of Govan and prevent Marcus from unleashing hell on Scotland.”

  Caden turned to the men who surrounded James’s desk, who were deep in thought. Ravenloch. His heart skipped a beat and his eyes went wide.

  “Next question, Kine.” James stood straight and looked at his men. “Who’s with me?”

  Without hesitation Magnus answered, “Aye, laddie.”

  Rory paused and looked at the map, then back at James. “Aye, me brother.”

  And before Conall could answer, Caden strode over to the table and grabbed the dragon head piece off the map of Ravenloch. “I’m in.”

  The men grew grave as they all felt the room tremble the slightest bit such that only a dragon could feel. Aye, they could no’ fail.

  Chapter 21

  Gently Effie rose on shaking legs like a newly born fawn trying to walk for the first time. Pin pricks tickled up her legs all the way to her thighs. The sensation reminded her of when her legs would fall asleep. As she gained enough courage and strength she dared to take a step. She swayed as she grew accustomed to the stinging sensation. “’Tis no’ so bad,” she reassured herself.

  Sweat beaded across her forehead as she concentrated on moving her other leg. If only it would move. Despair reared its ugly head, yet she wasn’t giving up. The flutter in her belly drove her will beyond stubbornness, beyond prayers. With pure determination, she commanded her leg to move.

  As if she willed it all on her own, her foot slid forward until it reached the other foot, and now she stood one step away from the bed. “Och.” Squaring her shoulders, she blew a red tendril of hair from her face. “The first step is no’ so bad.”

  She shuffled another step and the prickling needles faded into a dull pain.

  A loud knock at her door startled her and broke her concentration, making her legs buckle. Within two long strides, Conall raced across the threshold, catching Effie by the waist before she crumpled to the ground. He pulled her onto his lap as they sat on the bed.

  Surprised to see Effie standing, Conall held her close, afraid of what could have happened if he hadn’t reached her in time. “What were ye thinking, lass?”

  Pulling from his embrace, she looked excitedly into his gray eyes. “I felt the babe, Conall.” She smiled as tears welled in her eyes.

  “Are ye sure?” Conall asked with just as much excitement.

  “Aye. I had to come and tell ye. I took two steps before ye came in.”

  “Two steps?” he said adoringly as he wiped a fallen tear away from her freckled face with the back of his hand.

  “Two steps.”

  Hesitantly he reached out to touch her stomach. “May I?”

  “Conall, dinnae be silly, of course.” She reached for his hand and placed it right where she felt the flutters. “The last time I felt the babe move was right here.”

  As soon as she felt his hand on her skin, a wave of pure desire whirled up inside her, heating her to the core. She might have lost some feeling in her legs, but there was no doubt she could feel all of Conall igniting the kindling fire deep inside her.

  Conall bent his head down to talk to the wee babe. “Yer ma is brave and strong, aye?” Conall rubbed her belly. “Ye be just like her.”

  Effie kissed the top of his head. “Ye’ll be a great da.”

  “Aye, I’ll always be by yer side, my sweet.”

  “I have no doubt ye will be.”

  Conall stood and gathered Effie into his arms. He walked to the side of the bed and laid her down, climbing in next to her. He held her in a tight embrace. “Promise me the next time ye go testing yer bravery, that ye’ll let me know first.”

  “I promise.” Effie looked up to meet blue-gray eyes billowing like storm clouds. This man was her everything, her protector, her lover, her savior, her dragon. Just as he would have moved heaven and earth to be with her, she would do the same for him. Her love for him was like nothing she had ever experienced and now she was going to be the mother of his child. Her heart warmed as she lay there in awe of her Highlander. “I love ye, Conall Hamilton.” She reached up and kissed his lips.

  “Hmmm, Effie Maxwell, ye’re sweet talkin` me. Ye must have something on yer mind.” He winked.

  Effie giggled. “I suppose I do.” She sent him a teasing grin.

  One minute Conall had been lying next to her, then the next he was on top of her, carefully positioned so he didn’t put all his weight on her. “I’ve missed ye, lass, and I’m sorry for pushing ye too hard earlier with the wedding plans. I just wanted ye to know no matter what, I wasn’t going anywhere.”

  “Nay, I should be the one to apologize. I’m just glad that I didnae hit ye with the candlestick.” She smiled up at him and threaded her fingers through his light brown hair.

  “No harm done. I’m quick on me feet.”

  Conall lowered his head and kissed her gently on the lips. Effie deepened the kiss, showing him what exactly was on her mind. She slid her hands down his broad shoulders, to his well-defined back until she reached the end of his tunic. Tugging the fabric up his torso, Conall broke their kiss long enough to shed his shirt.

  The feverish way he claimed her lips and the weight of his body pressed against her sent her out of control. Out of pure instinct and the raw primal need of wanting to feel every sinewy inch of him, she wrapped one of her legs around his waist. Once she realized what she had done, she tried to move the other leg, the one that she’d had trouble with before. To her dismay she was only able to bend at the knee; the strength wasn’t there.

  Effie paused and pulled away. “I’m sorry but I can no’ ---”

  “Look at me, my sweet,” Conall interrupted and he held her stare. “Stay right here with me.”

  As she looked into his eyes it was as if their souls were one; bared to each other, holding nothing back.

  Conall took her bended leg and placed it around his waist and held it there as he caressed the back of her thigh. Her shift slipped up around her hips, cold air hit her skin and she shivered. Not because she was cold, but because she knew what this man was going to do to her.

  Conall lifted up from her body, sitting back on his heels, letting her legs fall on either side of him. Naked from the waist down, her body was open to him. She looked down her body at him and intently watched him unfold his plaid. There was something in the way that he moved that drove her daft. As if h
e was on the hunt waiting to catch his prey and she was the game he had his sights on.

  A quivering thrill ran down her spine as she felt the roughness of his hands skim over her skin and remove her shift. Never once did he take his eyes off of her.

  “Ye’re a bonny lass,” Conall said as he scanned her body as if he was deciding where to start devouring first.

  “Conall, I need ye.”

  Taking her hips in his hands, he bent down and placed a kiss just below her bellybutton, as if he had all the time in the world, which in his case he did. Effortlessly, he trailed lust-filled kisses up her body, playfully nipping her along the way. He could never get enough of her. It was like an addiction. He craved her body and the way she moved and reacted beneath his touch. Her moans were a beautiful melody that he replayed over and over again in his head. And Christ, her hands were magic.

  Even though his dragon drove him to dominate and claim her with force, he was going to take his time loving her. Finding peace in her arms, a calmness that soothed his dragon and eased his soul, allowed him to forgive his past mistakes and to love again. As hard as it was, he knew his late wife was right. He grazed his hands up and down the sides of Effie’s body, marveling in her womanly curves. He loved this red-haired lass wholeheartedly.

  Nuzzling her breasts, he cupped one and took a pink peaked nipple in his mouth, and in return was rewarded with a moan of satisfaction. The lass had no idea what that did to him. It was like some kind of signal she sent out that shot straight to his cock.

  Kissing her and licking her lips were among the many things he thoroughly enjoyed doing to her. And by Effie’s reaction to the deed, he knew that this lass was made for him and him alone.

  Tearing himself away, he looked down at her. Her lips were swollen from his kisses, her eyes had darkened with lust, and her body was his for the taking. This gave him much pleasure, knowing that he was pleasing his woman.

  He grabbed her long lean leg and placed it on his shoulder, giving him direct access to her womanhood. Bearing down, he pressed into her, feeling her stretch and accept every inch of him. With one hard thrust, their bodies collided and he was completely sheathed to the hilt.